ex. 715-123-4567, 608-123-4567, 262-123-4567
ex. 123 Main St, Merrillan, WI 544754
Are you a HIPAA covered Entity?
If you are a HIPAA covered entity, do you have a BAA (Business Associate Agreement) available? Example: CLICK HERE
How many phones/extensions are needed?
Who is the current phone/VoIP provider?
How many employees? Full & Part-Time
How many email accounts?
Specify other email providers not listed - separate by using a comma.
How many Windows Desktop/Workstations?
How many Windows Laptops?
How many Linux Desktop/Workstations?
How many Linux Laptops?
How many Mac Desktop/Workstations?
How many Mac Laptops?
Are there any specific devices that are not servers that must not be rebooted during business hours or may require to be left online without a reboot during non-business hours for any reason? If so, please provide details, if not, type N/A.
How many servers?
Specify other Server Operating Systems not listed - separate by using a comma.
Describe Purpose and Specifications such as version (ex. Windows Server 2022), how much RAM, Storage, etc.
Describe Purpose and Specifications such as version (ex. Windows Server 2022), how much RAM, Storage, etc.
Describe Purpose and Specifications such as version (ex. Windows Server 2022), how much RAM, Storage, etc.
Describe Purpose and Specifications such as version (ex. Windows Server 2022), how much RAM, Storage, etc.
Describe Purpose and Specifications such as version (ex. Windows Server 2022), how much RAM, Storage, etc.
Describe Purpose and Specifications such as version (ex. Windows Server 2022), how much RAM, Storage, etc.
How many hardware firewalls?
Choose all that apply.
Specify other Firewall Vendors not listed - separate by using a comma.
How many iPhone's?
How many iPad's?
How many Android Phones?
How many Android Tablets?
Do you pay a bill to a printer vendor each month?
How many network printers?
How many standard printers?
Specify other Printer Brands/Vendors not listed - separate by using a comma.
How many network switches do you have?
Specify other Network Switch Brands/Vendors not listed - separate by using a comma.
How many routers? Include ISP provided equipment.
Specify other Router Brands/Vendors not listed - separate by using a comma.
Select your current Internet Service Provider(s). If not listed, please select other and list the provider(s).
Specify your Internet Service Provider that's not listed above.
How many surveillance cameras?
Select camera connection type.
Please provide the current Internet speed you are able to obtain. If you do not know, please go to SpeedTest.Net and click GO; provide the results above. Example: 250/40, where 250 is the download, and 40 is the upload speed. You can also paste the link to the speed test result provided by right-clicking the "result ID" link (at the top of the page) and going to "copy link address".
Generally you would want all devices to have this running, but depending on the configuration, there may be exceptions or a different use-case/provider.
Generally, depending on configuration, you want at minimum servers utilizing file and image backups. There may be essential workstations that would be wise to be backed up as well so important files are not lost for various reasons. Computer Guts recommends backing up all devices eligible.
Generally, depending on configuration, you want at minimum servers utilizing file and image backups. There may be essential workstations that would be wise to be backed up as well so important files are not lost for various reasons. Computer Guts recommends backing up all devices eligible.
Check all that apply.
Please detail what type of services you would like and/or the problem(s) you're looking to solve.
Please list current third parties involved in the management of your IT and if you are currently under contract with them. If you are under contract, please provide the end date, if possible.
SCADA systems are related to water, sewer, electric, or other industrial-type devices.
Describe specific roles or increased permissions required in the management of your IT infrastructure. For example, does a specific employee need additional privileges to carry out their duties? Does a specific employee need access to a certain database, file storage system, etc?
Please provide any details regarding leasing/service contracts for any network equipment (workstations, laptops, servers, printers, routers, switches, etc), and any warranties available, if possible. These are leases/contracts/warranties specifically under your organization.
Provide any information or questions not covered by this survey or any other details that may be pertinent to our onboarding process and our ability to provide you service.

By submitting this form, you consent to Computer Guts using this information to develop an initial draft proposal and agreement. We value your privacy and will handle your information with care.