Ex. Submitted to provider for onboarding/acceptance (YES), Not applicable (NO).
Ex. WatchGuard activation pending/complete/not applicable, etc.
Has client data been imported?
Are policies configured and ready for deployment in NinjaOne and Gravity Zone?
Email addresses used for ticketing - must be entered into NinjaOne as well.
Router, switch, printer, firewall, etc monitoring.
Is everything up and running as intended?
Has after-hours backup been performed?
Have initial security scans been ran and reports generated for review/mitigation?
Have there been any noticeable stress issues with any of the systems after deployment?
Magnet with contact information, business cards, other pertinent informational flyers/handouts/etc. Team member introductions, summary of objectives, set expectations, onboarding timeline, new project timeline(s)/breakdowns, to-do list. Has this been completed?
How often does the client want check-ins?
Where are we with new projects beyond on boarding/deployment? If no new projects, type N/A.
Has contact been made with current third-party vendors and contracted services regarding the onboarding of CG?
Have special roles and permissions been implemented as described by the client?
Does the client require any additional services not initially selected?
Please detail what type of services you would like.
Provide any other client details or constraints that will assist CG in providing service.